Welcome to my blog!

Happy New Year and thank you for visiting my new web site and blog. My thinking for right now is to write about what it is like to be 4 months out from having a very personal, non-fiction memior be published and soon out for public consumption. I will probably incorporate photos and thoughts of other subjects besides my book, but I have a feeling, “the book” will be the over-whelming subject of this blog, at least for the coming months.

My manuscript has taken many, many turns, twists, stops and starts in this 4 and 1/2 year process since I signed my contract with a very small, new publishing house. Thankfully, my book, “A House Interrupted”, finally fell into the hands of Becky Post, my editor at  Gentle Path Press who really understood my story and how I wished to tell it.

The publishing of my first book is certainly bitter sweet – part of me wishes I had written a great art or interior design book instead of what I have written, a brutally honest account of what it is like to find out about a husband that you love, who is the father of your 4 beautiful children, and who is a sex addict.

My family and I have really been embraced by the community in which we have lived in and had the grace and privacy to heal. All of this may change. 30 bound galley’s with a cover letter were sent out on Monday, December 27th. (A bound galley is a manuscript after it has been copy edited and typeset.) We targeted women’s talk shows, morning shows and magazines. For the first time, other people, who have no idea who I am or what I have been through, will read about my marriage and what happened to my family.

Join me from time to time and follow along as I work my way up to the publishing of my first book, “A House Interrupted.” And, everything that goes on along with it!

adminWelcome to my blog!