Maurita Corcoran, author of “A House Interrupted,” A Wife’s Story Of Healing From Her Husband’s Sex Addiction, wrote her book with a Passion in mind. To let women know that there is Hope and Healing from betrayal and sexual addiction within a relationship. That Women can rise above the initial devastation and re-claim their voices in a healthy, empowering way and begin A New Day, A New Chapter in their lives’.
These days, Maurita spends her time meeting with Women, both online and in person, who are struggling with the very issues she has dealt with and worked through herself. She has proven to be a very important ‘piece of the puzzle’ in the challenge of understanding the impact of sexual addiction on Spouses.
She is the founder of The Women’s Life Recovery Network, a monthly luncheon group that allows women across the Grand Strand the opportunity to hear one Woman’s Life Story. She was a presenting author at both the Decatur Book Festival and the S.C. Book Festival, and participated on a panel, “Writing About Life’s Challenges.” Maurita has appeared on (2) segments of the Dr. Drew Show, as well as numerous talk shows including, “Let’s Talk Live”, “WUSA 9 News Now,” Washington, DC, The NECN Morning Show, Boston, MA., and most recently, Fox 5 San Diego, San Diego, CA.
She is an accomplished speaker and has presented talks and workshops that address the following groups:
– Therapists and Addiction Counselors
– High School and College Students
– Church groups
– Women’s groups and Book Clubs